SET 1: The Dogs > Ocelot, Turtle in the Clouds, Run Like an Antelope, Camel Walk, Wombat > Guyute, Big Black Furry Creature from Mars, Shaggy Dog, Dog Faced Boy, The Sloth, Llama, I Am the Walrus
SET 2: Dogs Stole Things, Your Pet Cat > Runaway Jim[1] > Piper -> Birds of a Feather, Harpua[2] > Bug > The Lizards, Farmhouse
ENCORE: Vultures, Sleeping Monkey > Possum
[1] Unfinished.
[2] Partially spoken in French by Page and Mike.
The songs in this show were based on animals. Big Black Furry Creature From Mars and Harpua contained Little Squirrel quotes. Shaggy Dog was played for the first time since June 22, 2012 (332 shows). I Am The Walrus was played for the first time since July 29, 2017 (131 shows). and featured Little Squirrel and Shipwreck quotes. Runaway Jim was unfinished and included a Hey, Ho, Nobody Home tease from Trey. Harpua was performed for the first time since July 30, 2017 (130 shows) and featured Carini, Your Pet Cat, and If 6 Was 9 quotes as well as This Jesus Must Die scatting from Trey. Part of Harpua was spoken in French by Page and Mike.