SET 1: Carini > Halley’s Comet > Blaze On[1], Prince Caspian, We Are Come to Outlive Our Brains, Mercury > Ruby Waves > Character Zero
SET 2: Set Your Soul Free, Tweezer > Beneath a Sea of Stars Part 1, Oblivion > Light > Slave to the Traffic Light
ENCORE: Show of Life, Say It To Me S.A.N.T.O.S.
[1] Lyrics changed to “we’ll be dancing here at Dick’s.”
Trey dedicated Carini to Frenchie (Tim Gazaille), a fan who had passed away earlier in the year and was the “naked guy” during the rain delay at Dick’s the previous summer. Trey teased San-Ho-Zay in Halley’s Comet. Blaze On’s lyrics were changed to “we’ll be dancing here at Dick’s.” We Are Come To Outlive Our Brains was performed for the first time since August 6, 2021 (109 shows).