SET 1: Loving Cup > Maze, Martian Monster > Divided Sky > Prince Caspian -> NICU > Steam, Drift While You’re Sleeping
SET 2: Set Your Soul Free, Tweezer -> Guy Forget -> Tweezer > What’s the Use? > Scents and Subtle Sounds -> Tweezer -> Everything’s Right > Backwards Down the Number Line > Tweezer Reprise
ENCORE: Harry Hood
Trey teased The Secret of Life (The Dead Milkmen) in Divided Sky. In NICU, Trey asked Page to “Play it slowly for us, Leo!” Guy Forget was played for the first time since September 4, 2011 (425 shows). The second Tweezer included a Frankenstein tease from Trey. Everything’s Right had quotes of Manteca by Fish and teases of Tweezer from Trey, Page, and Fish.