09/02/2022 DICK’S SPORTING GOODS PARK Commerce City, CO

SET 1: Carini[1] > You Enjoy Myself -> Ghost > Julius, Reba, Tube > Tweezer -> What’s the Use? > Weekapaug Groove -> No Men In No Man’s Land > Weekapaug Groove > Moonage Daydream > Chalk Dust Torture

ENCORE: Pebbles and Marbles, Tweezer Reprise

[1] Lyrics changed to “at least he had some boots.”

This show started late and consisted of only one set due to a lengthy delay following a thunderstorm. Carini’s lyrics were changed to “at least he had some boots” in reference to streaker who ran out onto the field during the weather delay wearing only a pair of boots. Trey teased Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now in Carini and Streets of Cairo during Tweezer.


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Author: schill