SET 1: The Final Hurrah, Harry Hood, Corinna, The Squirming Coil > 555, Army of One, Beauty of My Dreams, Mercury > Character Zero
SET 2: Scents and Subtle Sounds -> Plasma > Free > Billy Breathes > Piper > Ghost > And So To Bed[1] > Sigma Oasis > Tube[2] -> Brother[3], When the Circus Comes, Golgi Apparatus
[1] Debut.
[2] Unfinished.
[3] Restarted after the first verse.
This show featured the debut of And so to Bed which had been previously been released on The White Tape 35 years earlier. Trey quoted Psycho Killer in Sigma Oasis. Tube was unfinished and contained a Tears of the Clown tease from Trey. Brother was restarted after the first verse and was performed for the first time since December 30, 2017 (108 shows). Mike teased “Charge!” after Brother.